January 30, 2015 – January 30, 2015 -
October 18, 2013 – October 18, 2013 -
October 18, 2013 – October 18, 2013 -
October 18, 2013 – October 18, 2013 -
October 18, 2013 – October 18, 2013 -
October 25, 2013 – October 25, 2013
March 15, 2013 – March 15, 2013 -
March 14, 2013 – March 14, 2013Defect assessment in components : fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the European Symposium on Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics: Elements of Defect Assessment, Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany /? edited by J.G. Blauel and K.-H. Schwalbe.
March 6, 2013 – March 6, 2013 -
March 7, 2013 – March 7, 2013Crack growth can take place under both static and fatigue loading. The complete solution of a crack growth problem includes the determination of the path taken by the crack. The crack path in a critical component or structure in aerospace, automotive, offshore and other industries can determine whether failure is benign or catastrophic. Knowledge of potential crack paths is also needed for the selection of appropriate non-destructive testing procedures. Agreement between theoretically predicted and experimentally determined crack paths is sometimes poor, and further information is needed on how to ensure that a crack path is benign.
The determination of crack paths is a matter of concern to engineers, industry experts and research scientists, from both a fundamental science standpoint and a technological one. The International Conference on Crack Paths will bring together both fatigue and fracture experts from Industries, Universities and so on, to exchange recent information and provide a discussion forum on how to promote research and development in this field early in the 21st Century.
The scope of this Conference is to focus on the state-of-the-art experimental techniques, and numerical and analytical models for the determination of crack paths in solids made of a broad range of materials, together with the application of crack path data to the design of components and structures subjected to both static and fatigue loading.
This Conference follows the Conferences FCP 2003 and CP 2006, held in Parma, Italy. Special issues of International journals have been devoted to work presented at those Conferences (Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.28, No.1-2, 2005, and Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, No.3-4, 2008).
Members of different industries and scientists from all over the world are invited to contribute with presentations on any of the following topics (in the case of both static and fatigue loading):
Experimental Determination of CP
Theoretical Prediction of CP
Life Assessment Methods based on CP Evaluation
Microscopic Aspects of CP
CP of Surface Cracks
CP of Short Cracks
Effect of Large Scale Yielding on CP
Effect of Material Inhomogeneities on CP
Effect of Non-Proportional Cyclic Loading on CP
Effect of Environmental Conditions on CP
CP in Advanced Materials
Laboratory Methods of Controlling CP
In-Service Inspection of CP
Application of CP Concepts and Data in Design
Industrial Application of CP Concepts and Data -
March 8, 2013 – March 8, 2013Crack growth can take place under both static and fatigue loading. The complete solution of a crack growth problem includes the determination of the path taken by the crack. The crack path in a critical component or structure in aerospace, automotive, offshore and other industries can determine whether failure is benign or catastrophic. Knowledge of potential crack paths is also needed for the selection of appropriate non-destructive testing procedures. Agreement between theoretically predicted and experimentally determined crack paths is often poor, and there is relatively little information available on how to ensure that a crack path is benign.
The determination of crack paths is a matter of concern to engineers, industry experts and research scientists, from both a fundamental science standpoint and a technological one. The International Conference on Crack Paths will bring together both fatigue and fracture experts from Industries, Universities and so on, to exchange recent information and provide a discussion forum on how to promote research and development in this field early in the 21st Century.
The scope of this Conference is to focus on the state-of-the-art experimental techniques, and numerical and analytical models for the determination of crack paths in solids made of a broad range of materials, together with the application of crack path data to the design of components and structures subjected to both static and fatigue loading.
This Conference follows the Conference on Fatigue Crack Paths (FCP 2003) held in Parma in September 2003. A special issue of the International Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (Vol.28, No.1-2, 2005) has been devoted to work presented at that Conference.
March 11, 2013 – March 11, 2013Fatigue Crack Path 2003
August 26, 2012 – August 31, 2012 -
ECF18, Dresden 2010
October 14, 2012 – October 14, 2012 -
ECF17, Brno 2008
February 5, 2013 – February 5, 2013 -
ECF16, Alexandroupolis 2006
February 7, 2013 – February 7, 2013 -
ECF15, Stockolm 2004
February 5, 2013 – February 5, 2013 -
ECF14, Cracow 2002
January 28, 2013 – January 28, 2013 -
ECF13, San Sebastian 2000
February 8, 2013 – February 8, 2013 -
ECF12, Sheffield 1998
January 14, 2013 – January 14, 2013 -
ECF11, Poitiers 1996
February 8, 2013 – February 8, 2013 -
ECF10, Berlin 1994
November 26, 2012 – November 26, 2012 -
ECF9, Varna 1992
February 8, 2013 – February 8, 2013 -
ECF8, Torino 1990
November 30, 2012 – December 21, 2012 -
ECF7, Budapest 1988
February 7, 2013 – February 7, 2013 -
ECF6, Amsterdam 1986
October 20, 2013 – October 24, 2013 -
ECF5, Lisbon 1984
October 16, 2012 – October 16, 2012 -
ECF4, Leoben 1982
October 15, 2012 – October 15, 2012 -
ECF3, London 1980
October 15, 2012 – October 15, 2012 -
ECF2, Darmstadt 1978
October 15, 2012 – October 15, 2012
International Conference on Fracture
ICF IQ, China 1983
January 10, 2014 – January 10, 2015 -
October 4, 2013 – October 4, 2013 -
ICF12, Ottawa 2009
October 14, 2009 – October 14, 2009 -
ICF11, Italy 2005
October 1, 2005 – October 1, 2005 -
ICF10, Honolulu (USA) 2001
October 14, 2001 – October 14, 2001 -
ICF 9- Sydney, Australia- 1997
October 14, 1997 – October 14, 1997 -
ICF8, Kiev (Ukraine) 1993
October 14, 1993 – October 14, 1993 -
ICF7, Houston (USA) 1989
October 1, 1989 – October 1, 1989 -
ICF6, New Delhi (India) 1984
October 1, 1984 – October 1, 1984 -
ICF5, Cannes (France) 1981
October 1, 1981 – October 1, 1981 -
ICF4, Waterloo (Canada) 1977
October 1, 1977 – October 1, 1977 -
ICF3, Munich (Germany) 1973
October 14, 1973 – October 14, 1973 -
ICF2, Brighton (UK) 1969
October 1, 1969 – October 1, 1969 -
ICF1, Japan 1965
October 10, 1965 – October 10, 1965 -
ICF0, Swampscott -MA (USA) 1959
October 1, 1959 – October 1, 1959
Workshop IGF
The Annual Postgraduate research Student Conference - 2016
May 10, 2016 – May 10, 2016 -
The Annual Postgraduate research Student Conference - 2015
April 9, 2015 – April 9, 2015 -
First Multi-Lateral Workshop on “Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues”
September 15, 2014 – September 17, 2014The Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Groups of Fracture are strenuous scientific associations involved in several activities run under the umbrella of both ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) and ICF (International Congress on Fracture). They regularly organise national and international events to promote discussions and the free exchange of ideas in areas of interest to the fields of fracture and structural integrity. The Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Groups of Fracture are organising this first multilateral workshop not only to increase the level of cooperation amongst the Groups themselves, but also to give prominence to the research work done in the Iberian-Latin region of Europe on fracture and structural integrity related issues. In this friendly context, also researchers from other countries than Spain, Portugal and Italy are cordially invited to participate in this unique research workshop designed to allow scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas in an informal and interactive format at a conference venue in a beautifully scenic Italian island.
Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2012
February 17, 2012 – February 17, 2012Il Gruppo Italiano della Frattura (IGF) in collaborazione con i gruppi di Costruzione di Macchine dell’Università di Ferrara, dell’Università di Padova e dell’Università di Udine ha organizzato questo Workshop sulle problematiche legate alla frattura nei materiali per l’ingegneria, con l’intento di stimolare il dibattito su questo attuale e importante tema. In particolare, il presente Workshop vuole rappresentare una occasione di approfondimento sia sui meccanismi di danneggiamento sia sulle diverse metodologie di progettazione/modellazione al variare della tipologia del materiale e del carico applicato. Con l’intento di dare ampia possibilità di presentare in modo adeguato le attività scientifiche svolte in tale ambito dai diversi Gruppi di Ricerca, si vorrebbero raccogliere memorie che sintetizzino il lavoro svolto nel recente passato, le problematiche aperte, nonché i possibili sviluppi futuri. Inoltre, vista la trasversalità del tema oggetto del presente Workshop, si vorrebbero organizzare delle sessioni che coinvolgano, a vario titolo, problematiche di Metallurgia, di Scienza delle Costruzioni e di Costruzione di Macchine.
Le memorie presentate saranno raccolte in formato elettronico in una penna USB, nonché direttamente scaricabili dal sito internet IGF. In più, successivamente al Workshop, verrà stampato un numero speciale di “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" (ISSN 1971-8993), rivista ufficiale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura, con l’obiettivo di dare una sintetica testimonianza sullo stato dell’arte in Italia riguardo alle problematiche legate alla Frattura nei Materiali per l’Ingegneria.
Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2011
March 7, 2011 – March 9, 2011This Research Seminar is intended to promote discussion and the free exchange of ideas in an area of considerable interest to the fields of racture and fatigue; namely the characterisation of crack tip stress fields using fracture mechanics parameters and, in particular, o consider the issue of multiparameter characterisation.
January 11, 2011 – January 11, 2011?The Italian Group of Fracture (lGF) was born in 1982 as an aggregation cluster of scientists involved in the discipline of fracture. Since that time the organisation has grown, also through yearly national conferences and other important initiatives like the present one. Today the Group counts several hundreds of members and affiliates, who go-on considering this association as a cross-roads and a reference point for the development of the subjects of common interest. IGF is the natural representative of Italy within analogous international associations (European Structural Integrity Society, International Conference on Fracture, etc.), besides being the promoter for the Italian standardization of technical procedures and recommendations.
Fracture is a natural and frequent phenomenon, the consequences of which are both positive, like in wood-cutting and mining works, and negative e.g. in the orthopaedic as well as in the structural field. Fracture Mechanics has gained a primary role in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of materials. The fundamental aspects of elasticity and plasticity being already clarified, the research cutting edge is focusing on the several damage phenomena - smeared or discrete - occurring with a decrease of the loading capacity when the structural deformation increases. This post-peak loading stage represents the pre-collapse condition, and is investigated today both experimentally and numerically. During such an unstable and final process, the elementary failure mechanisms may interact, e.g. brittle fracture propagation, plastic deformation, fatigue, creep, instability of the equilibrium, etc. etc Any attempt to describe and to investigate the transient period of the failure process, according to the actual sequence of the critical events, is therefore extremely significant. As long as the failures of industrial components and civil structures are approached and investigated in a systematic and consistent manner by the global technical community, the designers will be able to improve their predictions, and the post-mortem investigators will be able to go back to the true causes. Having clear the strong conceptual and practical connections between theory, computer simulation and experiments on one hand, and the "case histories on integrity and failures" on the other, we have felt the institutional duty of IGF, besides the pleasure, to encourage and support this meritorious initiative. -
Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics
July 7, 2010 – July 10, 2010The Organisers have the pleasure to invite you to attend the 9th YSESM. Our main purpose is to provide a forum for young researchers and engineers, PhD students and students dealing with problems of experimental solid mechanics in different countries.
Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2010
January 7, 2010 – January 9, 2010IGF Workshop title: "Fracture Problems in Engineering Materials"
Forni di Sopra (UD), Italy
Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2009
March 13, 2009 – March 14, 2009 -
Giornata di studio IGF Torino 2008
November 5, 2008 – November 12, 2008 -
Giornata di studio IGF Ferrara 2005
June 6, 2005 – June 7, 2005Giornata di studio su:
Progettazione a fatica in presenza di multiassialità tensionali
Problemi teorici e risvolti applicativi
Giornata di studio IGF Faenza 2003
November 14, 2003 – November 14, 2003Giornata di studio: "La frattura nei materiali ceramici"
Caratterizzazione, problematiche e normativa
Giornata di studio IGF Milano 2003
November 7, 2003 – November 7, 2003 -
Giornata di studio IGF S.Donato Milanese 1996
December 3, 1996 – December 3, 1996
IGF Summer School
Summer School 2008
July 21, 2008 – July 24, 2008Theory of elasticity must be learned from the viewpoint of mechanics and not from the viewpoint of applied mathematics. In this lecture, first of all the basic but important principles of theory of elasticity will be lectured with a unique new way of thinking. The attractive solutions for many interesting problems will be shown. It will be lectured that the solutions for problems which look very difficult at a first glance can be solved easily with the application of the basic principles and the new way of thinking lectured in this course.
The clear concept and correct understanding of Stress Concentration are essentially important for strength design and failure analysis.
Acta Fracturae
Atti convegni Nazionali IGF
ISSN: 2281-1443
July 1, 2013 – July 3, 2013 -
Convegno IGF XXI Cassino 2011
June 13, 2011 – June 15, 2011 -
Convegno IGF XX Torino 2009
June 24, 2009 – June 26, 2009ISBN 978-88-95940-25-0
Convegno IGF XIX Milano 2007
July 2, 2007 – July 4, 2007ISBN 978-88-95940-25-0
Convegno IGF XVIII Cetraro 2006
May 31, 2006 – June 1, 2006ISBN 978-88-95949-18-2
Convegno IGF XVII Bologna 2004
May 9, 2008 – May 9, 2008ISBN 978-88-95940-16-8
Convegno IGF XVI Catania 2002
June 20, 2002 – June 22, 2002ISBN
Convegno IGF XV Bari 2000
May 3, 2000 – May 5, 2000ISBN 978-88-95940-12-0
Convegno IGF XIV Trento 1998
June 27, 1998 – June 28, 1998ISBN 978-88-95940-11-3
Convegno IGF XIII Cassino 1997
May 27, 1997 – May 28, 1997ISBN 978-88-95940-10-6
Convegno IGF XII Parma 1996
June 12, 1996 – June 13, 1996 -
Convegno IGF XI Brescia 1995
July 4, 1995 – July 6, 1995ISBN 978-88-95940-07-6
Convegno IGF X Torino 1994
June 8, 1994 – June 10, 1994ISBN 978-88-95940-06-9
Convegno IGF IX Roma 1993
June 2, 1993 – June 4, 1993ISBN 978-88-95940-05-2
Convegno IGF VIII Genova 1992
May 27, 1992 – May 29, 1992ISBN 978-88-95940-04-5
Convegno IGF VII Firenze 1991
June 13, 1991 – June 14, 1991ISBN 978-88-95940-03-8
Convegno IGF VI Ancona 1990
June 7, 1990 – June 8, 1990ISBN 978-88-95940-02-1
Convegno IGF V Trento 1989
December 19, 2008 – December 19, 2008 -
Convegno IGF IV Milano 1988
April 26, 1988 – April 27, 1988ISBN 978-88-95940-01-4
Convegno IGF III Torino 1986
May 22, 1986 – May 23, 1986ISBN 978-88-95940-00-7
Convegno IGF II Lugano 1984
Convegno IGF I ENEL-CRIS Milano 1983
May 4, 1983 – May 4, 1983ISBN 978-88-95040-20-5
Convegno IGF 0 CESNEF Politecnico di Milano 1981

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