Workshop IGF

Conference Archives

The Annual Postgraduate research Student Conference - 2016

May 10, 2016 – May 10, 2016

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The Annual Postgraduate research Student Conference - 2015

University of Sheffield

Sheffiled, GB

April 9, 2015 – April 9, 2015

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First Multi-Lateral Workshop on “Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues”

Sheraton Catania Hotel and Conference Center
Via Antonello da Messina, 45
95021 Acicastello, Catania, IT

September 15, 2014 – September 17, 2014

The Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Groups of Fracture are strenuous scientific associations involved in several activities run under the umbrella of both ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society) and ICF (International Congress on Fracture). They regularly organise national and international events to promote discussions and the free exchange of ideas in areas of interest to the fields of fracture and structural integrity. The Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Groups of Fracture are organising this first multilateral workshop not only to increase the level of cooperation amongst the Groups themselves, but also to give prominence to the research work done in the Iberian-Latin region of Europe on fracture and structural integrity related issues. In this friendly context, also researchers from other countries than Spain, Portugal and Italy are cordially invited to participate in this unique research workshop designed to allow scientists and engineers to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas in an informal and interactive format at a conference venue in a beautifully scenic Italian island.

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Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2012

Forni di Sopra (UD)

Udine, IT

February 17, 2012 – February 17, 2012

Il Gruppo Italiano della Frattura (IGF) in collaborazione con i gruppi di Costruzione di Macchine dell’Università di Ferrara, dell’Università di Padova e dell’Università di Udine ha organizzato questo Workshop sulle problematiche legate alla frattura nei materiali per l’ingegneria, con l’intento di stimolare il dibattito su questo attuale e importante tema. In particolare, il presente Workshop vuole rappresentare una occasione di approfondimento sia sui meccanismi di danneggiamento sia sulle diverse metodologie di progettazione/modellazione al variare della tipologia del materiale e del carico applicato. Con l’intento di dare ampia possibilità di presentare in modo adeguato le attività scientifiche svolte in tale ambito dai diversi Gruppi di Ricerca, si vorrebbero raccogliere memorie che sintetizzino il lavoro svolto nel recente passato, le problematiche aperte, nonché i possibili sviluppi futuri. Inoltre, vista la trasversalità del tema oggetto del presente Workshop, si vorrebbero organizzare delle sessioni che coinvolgano, a vario titolo, problematiche di Metallurgia, di Scienza delle Costruzioni e di Costruzione di Macchine.

Le memorie presentate saranno raccolte in formato elettronico in una penna USB, nonché direttamente scaricabili dal sito internet IGF. In più, successivamente al Workshop, verrà stampato un numero speciale di “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale" (ISSN 1971-8993), rivista ufficiale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura, con l’obiettivo di dare una sintetica testimonianza sullo stato dell’arte in Italia riguardo alle problematiche legate alla Frattura nei Materiali per l’Ingegneria.

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Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2011

Forni di Sopra (UD)

Udine, IT

March 7, 2011 – March 9, 2011

This Research Seminar is intended to promote discussion and the free exchange of ideas in an area of considerable interest to the fields of racture and fatigue; namely the characterisation of crack tip stress fields using fracture mechanics parameters and, in particular, o consider the issue of multiparameter characterisation.

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, IT

January 11, 2011 – January 11, 2011

?The Italian Group of Fracture (lGF) was born in 1982 as an aggregation cluster of scientists involved in the discipline of fracture. Since that time the organisation has grown, also through yearly national conferences and other important initiatives like the present one. Today the Group counts several hundreds of members and affiliates, who go-on considering this association as a cross-roads and a reference point for the development of the subjects of common interest. IGF is the natural representative of Italy within analogous international associations (European Structural Integrity Society, International Conference on Fracture, etc.), besides being the promoter for the Italian standardization of technical procedures and recommendations. 
Fracture is a natural and frequent phenomenon, the consequences of which are both positive, like in wood-cutting and mining works, and negative e.g. in the orthopaedic as well as in the structural field. Fracture Mechanics has gained a primary role in the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of materials. The fundamental aspects of elasticity and plasticity being already clarified, the research cutting edge is focusing on the several damage phenomena - smeared or discrete - occurring with a decrease of the loading capacity when the structural deformation increases. This post-peak loading stage represents the pre-collapse condition, and is investigated today both experimentally and numerically. During such an unstable and final process, the elementary failure mechanisms may interact, e.g. brittle fracture propagation, plastic deformation, fatigue, creep, instability of the equilibrium, etc. etc Any attempt to describe and to investigate the transient period of the failure process, according to the actual sequence of the critical events, is therefore extremely significant. As long as the failures of industrial components and civil structures are approached and investigated in a systematic and consistent manner by the global technical community, the designers will be able to improve their predictions, and the post-mortem investigators will be able to go back to the true causes. Having clear the strong conceptual and practical connections between theory, computer simulation and experiments on one hand, and the "case histories on integrity and failures" on the other, we have felt the institutional duty of IGF, besides the pleasure, to encourage and support this meritorious initiative. 

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Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics

Università di Trieste

Trieste, IT

July 7, 2010 – July 10, 2010

The Organisers have the pleasure to invite you to attend the 9th YSESM. Our main purpose is to provide a forum for young researchers and engineers, PhD students and students dealing with problems of experimental solid mechanics in different countries.

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Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2010

Hotel Larici

Via Chianeit, 5/bis, 33024


Forni di Sopra (UD), IT

January 7, 2010 – January 9, 2010

IGF Workshop title: "Fracture Problems in Engineering Materials"

Forni di Sopra (UD), Italy

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Giornata IGF Forni di Sopra (UD) 2009

March 13, 2009 – March 14, 2009

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Giornata di studio IGF Torino 2008

November 5, 2008 – November 12, 2008

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Giornata di studio IGF Ferrara 2005

Università di di Ferrara

v. Saragat, 1

Ferrara, IT

June 6, 2005 – June 7, 2005

Giornata di studio su:

Progettazione a fatica in presenza di multiassialità tensionali

Problemi teorici e risvolti applicativi

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Giornata di studio IGF Faenza 2003

Sala Convegni dell’Agenzia Polo Ceramico

via Granarolo, 62

Faenza (RA), IT

November 14, 2003 – November 14, 2003

Giornata di studio: "La frattura nei materiali ceramici"

Caratterizzazione, problematiche e normativa

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Giornata di studio IGF Milano 2003

November 7, 2003 – November 7, 2003

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Giornata di studio IGF S.Donato Milanese 1996

December 3, 1996 – December 3, 1996

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