Issue 37

Z. Hongping et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 37 (2016) 352-359; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.46 358 Figure 4. The changes of reliability index of corroded bending element of reinforced concrete along with service time of structure. C ONCLUSIONS t is of great significance to study the prediction of structural durability. But there is no relatively mature method which can obtain correct prediction results. This study gave out uncertainty statistical parameters of reinforced concrete structure and calculated time-varying reliability of corroded bending element of reinforced concrete using time comprehensive analysis method. Finally, the variation rules of reliability index of corroded bending element along with the changes of service time of structure were obtained. It is no doubt that the method provides a new idea for the prediction of durability and the research results have great value for the prediction and evaluation of durability of existing structures. As durability degeneration of reinforced concrete structure is a quite complex process, some researches concerning degeneration mechanism has not been broken through. Only few issues were considered for durability degeneration of reinforced concrete in this study, and many problems remain to be solved. R EFERENCES [1] Li, J., Gao, X., Probability density evolution method and its application in life-cycle civil engineering. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10(7) (2014) 921-927. [2] Madsen, H.O., Tvedt, L., Methods for time-dependent reliability and sensitivity analysis. American Society of Civil Engineers, 116(10) (2014) 2118-2135. [3] Shi, X., Xie, N., Fortune, K., et al., Durability of steel reinforced concrete in chloride environments: An overview. Construct Build Mater, 30(2012)125-138. [4] Neves, R., Branco, F.A., De Brito. J., A method for the use of accelerated carbonation tests in durability design. Construct Build Mater, 36(2012)585-591. [5] Yu, CL., Ye, P., Jin, R.H., Analyze of the depths of concrete carbonization experience predictive models. Ready-mixed Concrete, (3) (2009) 52-53. [6] Kabir, G., Sadiq, R., Tesfamariam, S., A review of multi-criteria decision-making methods for infrastructure management. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10(9) (2013)1176-1210. [7] Biondini, F., Frangopol, D.M., Lifetime reliability-based optimization of reinforced concrete cross-sections under corrosion. Structural Safety, 31(6) (2009)483-489. [8] Shodja, H.M., Kiani, K., Hashemian, A., A model for the evolution of concrete deterioration due to reinforcement corrosion. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 52(9-10) (2010) 1403-1422. [9] Chiu. C., Chi, K., Analysis of lifetime losses of low-rise reinforced concrete buildings attacked by corrosion and earthquakes using a novel method. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 9(12) (2013) 1225-1239. [10] Cornell, C.A., A probability-based structural code. ACI Structural Journal, 100(3) (1969) 94-107. [11] Czarnecki, A.A., Nowak, A.S., Time-variant reliability profiles for steel girder bridges. Structural Safety, 30(1) (2008) 49-64. [12] Okasha, N.M., Frangopol, D.M., Integration of structural health monitoring in a system performance based life-cycle bridge management framework. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8(11) (2012) 999-1016. I