Issue 37

G. Beretta et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 37 (2016) 228-233; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.30 232 Figure 4 : Tension-compression. Cracks emanating from the hole at an applied stress close to the fatigue limit. d = 1 mm, σ y ∞ = 200 MPa, N = 308 700 cycles . Figure 5 : Cracks emanating from the hole at an applied stress close to the fatigue limit. d = 1 mm, τ ∞ = 146 MPa, N = 1 454 269 cycles. Figure 6 : Cracks emanating from the hole at an applied stress close to the fatigue limit. d = 1 mm, σ y ∞ = τ ∞ = 140 MPa, N = 206 765 cycles. C ONCLUSIONS n experimental program has been conducted for tubes with a passing through hole of AISI 304L stainless steel under in-phase biaxial loading. Biaxial fatigue curves were constructed using the experimental fatigue limits. The predictions of the fatigue limits obtained with a microstructural model reasonably agreed with the experimental A