Issue 37

N.R. Gates et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 37 (2016) 166-172; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.23 172 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS .S. Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) provided financial support for this study. REFERENCES [1] Geary, W., A review of some aspects of fatigue crack growth under variable amplitude loading, Int. J. Fatigue, 14 (1992) 377–386. [2] Gladskyi, M., Fatemi, A., Load sequence effects on fatigue crack growth in notched tubular specimens subjected to axial and torsion loadings, Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 69 (2014) 63–70. [3] Mikheevskiy, S., Glinka, G., Elastic-plastic fatigue crack growth analysis under variable amplitude loading spectra, Int. J. Fatigue 31 (2009) 1828–1836. [4] Newman, J.C. Jr., FASTRAN-II - A fatigue crack growth structural analysis program, NASA TM 104159, Hampton, VA, (1992). [5] Gates, N.R., Fatemi, A., Multiaxial variable amplitude fatigue life analysis including notch effects, Int. J. Fatigue (In Press 2016). DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.12.011. [6] Newman, J.C. Jr., Phillips, E.P., Swain, M.H., Fatigue-life prediction methodology using small-crack theory, Int. J. Fatigue 21 (1999) 109–119. U