Issue 35

S. Blasón et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 35 (2016) 187-195; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.35.22 189 Initial Lifetime (Cycles) Stress (MPa) Length (mm) Runout Expected Lifetime (Cycles) 106483 450 53.88 518308 400 53.88 10000002 350 53.88 R 2.876e+10 21479001 380 53.88 R 8.496e+07 1297002 400 53.88 10000000 390 53.88 R 2.905e+07 133527 395 53.88 359216 395 53.88 10000000 395 53.88 R 2.449e+07 69554 425 53.88 974659 425 53.88 87004 395 53.88 298661 395 53.88 50698 437.5 54.88 112488 437.5 55.88 166587 412.5 56.88 Table 1 : Fatigue results from the resonance tests. B C β δ λ 4.75 (115 cycles) 5.75 (312.7 MPa) 2.28 1.28 1.06 Table 2 : Weibull model parameters from fitting of the S-N field. Figure 2 : S-N field assessment using the Profatigue software [6].