Issue 30

C. Putignano et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 237-243; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.30 237 Focussed on: Fracture and Structural Integrity related Issues Double peeling of elastic pre-tensioned tapes C. Putignano, L. Afferrante, G. Carbone, G. Demelio DMMM, Politecnico di Bari, viale Japigia 182, Italy., , , A BSTRACT . Peeling is a physical mechanics involved in the detachment of many natural and industrial applications. In this paper, we investigate the double peeling of an endless elastic pre-stressed tape adhering to a flat smooth rigid substrate. Solutions are given in closed form and their stability is discussed. Critical pull-off force needed to detachment is shown to be higher for pre-stressed tapes. However, when a pre-stress is high, tapes behave differently and may spontaneously detach from the rigid substrate. K EYWORDS . Adhesion; Peeling; Fracture; Adhesion. I NTRODUCTION dhesion governs many natural processes and has to be carefully accounted for in a large variety of industrial applications, where its optimization is indeed a key point to be pursued [1]. As an example, in biology and bioengineering, detachment determines the aggregation of cells and, in parallel, their attachment to extracellular matrix (ECM). Furthermore, adhesion mechanics governs also the hairy attachment systems of insects, reptiles and spiders that show extraordinary adhesive abilities even at the human size scale. On the other side, when focusing on components of industrial interest, we observe that Van der Waals forces, especially in vacuum, are often responsible for sticking in Micro-Electro-Mechanical- Systems and, therefore, for their failure [2]. In this paper, we pay attention to the detachment of an adhering tape from a rigid substrate since it represents a basic but representative model of natural phenomena and industrial components. In this respect, important contributions were given by Kendall [3] that proposed a simple model to explain the detachment of a single elastic tape from a rigid surface, and Cheng [4] that extended the Kendall's model to pre-stressed tapes. These models, which have been developed moving from energetic considerations, complemented by the purely geometric approach proposed in [5] and claiming to be able to take into account also frictional force contributions. Fixed the peeling load, this approach predicts, in accordance with some experimental evidences, smaller peeling angles, but, to some extent, results are affected by a certain degree of arbitrariness since they depend on the initial configuration of the tape [5]. Here, by moving from the pioneering Kendall’s model and therefore relying on an energetic approach, we focus on the case of the double peeling of an endless pre-stressed thin tape. We observe that the pre-tension P 0 determines an increase of the critical pull-off force at small peeling angles while decreasing it at large peeling angles. Also beyond a critical value of P 0 , the pull-off force vanishes at a corresponding critical peeling angle. In this case, the system may spontaneously detaches. Furthermore, this paper contains a detailed analysis on the stability conditions of the process: particular attention is paid to detect the boundary between stable and unstable adhesion. A