Issue 30

J. Vázquez et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 109-117; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.15 116 Type N exp Plane stress Plane strain 3D 1 1070886 949195 876623 1997908 1793368 2 577540 564307 530292 1017824 382064 676704 3 303509 150253 132687 179496 347072 4 252878 236057 205330 294700 283110 5 167324 94757 87313 104212 165421 6 52440 67845 61666 69356 57032 7 32395 55983 51213 48948 57479 Table 3 : Fretting fatigue life predictions. Figure 8 : N pred vs. N exp . Figure 9 : Crack initiation length vs. N pred and N i (%) vs. N pred . C ONCLUSIONS n this work, the effect that the model’s geometry has on the fretting fatigue life predictions has been studied. For the cylinder-plane contact pair considered, all of the models give similar results. These results are proven to be virtually identical in the 2D cases. These results additionally justify the use of a 2D FEM that provides the advantage of lower computational cost compared with 3D models. R EFERENCES [1]Waterhouse, R.B., Fretting Fatigue, Applied Science Publisher, (1981). [2]Nishioka, K., Hirakawa, K., Fundamental investigation on fretting fatigue—part 4. The effect of mean stress, Bull. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng., 12 (1969) 408–414. I