Digital Repository, CP2006

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Fatigue crack propagation in the frame of a hydraulic press
M. Fulland, H.A. Richard, M. Sander, G. Kullmer

Last modified: 2013-03-11


Within this paper the fatigue crack growth in the frame of a hydraulicpress will be discussed. The crack growth started at a shrink hole in a notch in themiddle part of the frame. The state of stress of the crack is predominantly influenced bythe notch, which induces a Mixed-Mode-loading during the crack growth. Thepropagation of the crack will be analyzed with the crack simulation programADAPCRACK3D, which has been developed at the Institute of Applied Mechanics atUniversität Paderborn. This program is able to calculate fully automatic the stressintensities along a 3D-crack front as well as the crack path and the lifetime of astructure.

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