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Crack paths under mixed mode loading
J.R Yates, M. Zanganeh, R.A. Tomlinson, M.W. Brown, F.A. Diaz Garrido5

Last modified: 2013-03-11


Crack paths under mixed mode loadingJ.R Yates1, M. Zanganeh2, R.A. Tomlinson3, M.W. Brown4 and F.A. Diaz, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University ofSheffield,,Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Minera, Universidad de Jaen,Spain.ABSTRACT. Long fatigue cracks that initially experience mixed mode displacementsusually change direction in response to cyclic elastic stresses. Eventually the crackstend to orient themselves into a pure mode I condition, but the path that they take can becomplex and chaotic. In this paper we report on recent development in techniques fortracking the crack path as it grows and evaluating the strength of the mixed mode cracktip stress field.

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