Issue 39

F. Hokes et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 39 (2017) 7-16; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.39.02 9 process was aimed to finding values of basic mechanic-physical and fracture-mechanical properties of concrete specimens: modulus of elasticity E c , tensile strength f t and fracture energy G ft . The resultant statistical values of these properties were: modulus of elasticity E c = 38,9 GPa, tensile strength f t = 2,76 MPa and fracture energy G ft = 215,6 J/m 2 . Figure 1 : The testing configuration. G EOMETRY AND M ESH OF THE C OMPUTATIONAL M ODEL he computational model and the nonlinear computation of the fracture experiment task were performed using ANSYS Workbench. To reduce the computing time, the geometry of the computational model was covered with a mesh of 2D finite elements (PLANE182) having the edge length of 6 mm, and the problem was solved as a plane stress task with the element thickness of w = 58 mm. The real support provided by steel bearings was, in the computational model, idealized via strain boundary conditions, where the vertical deformation was prevented at the location of the support, and the horizontal deformation was – with respect to the solvability of the task – restrained in the middle of the span at the upper side; such an arrangement then corresponded to the position of the introduced load. The notch was modeled in a simple manner, using a pair of parallel lines having a common node at the top of the notch. Figure 2 : The computational model. T