
B. Schramm et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 34 (2015) 280-289; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.30 289 cracks. If a cracks grows exclusively within this martensitic region, which is characterized by worse fracture mechanical properties, the structure might fail at an early stage. However, the theoretical considerations have shown, that crack propagation might be slowed down purposefully if the crack grows into a material with better fracture mechanical properties. At the best crack arrest may occur. If these potential consequences are known, they can be taken into consideration during the production process. Based on the theoretical considerations the development of the TSSR- concept enables to describe the crack growth behavior in fracture mechanical graded structures for different gradation and loading situations. Furthermore, the developed and modified programs can be used at an early stage to influence the crack propagation behavior in a positive way and to realize a longer life time of the graded component. A CKNOWLEDGEMENT his contribution is based on investigations of the collaborative research centre SFB/TR TRR30, which is kindly supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG). R EFERENCES [1] Steinhoff, K., Maier, H.J., Biermann, D., Functionally graded materials in industrial mass production, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, (2009). [2] Schramm, B., Richard, H.A., Einfluss einer funktionalen Gradierung auf die Rissausbreitung, DVM-Bericht 244, Bruchmechanische Werkstoff- und Bauteilbewertung, Deutscher Verband für Materialforschung und -prüfung e.V., Berlin, (2012) 201-210. [3] Erdogan, F., Sih, G.C., On the crack extension in plates under plane loading and transverse shear, Journal of Basic Engineering, 85 (1963) 529-525. [4] Schramm, B., Risswachstum in funktional gradierten Materialien und Strukturen, Fortschritt-Bericht VDI, Reihe 18: Mechanik/Bruchmechanik Nr. 339, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, (2014). [5] Schramm, B., Richard, H.A., Steigemann, M., Specovius-Neugebauer, M., Influence of a fracture mechanical gradation on crack propagation, Proceedings of 1 st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically Graded Materials, Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten, Auerbach, (2012) 169-174. [6] Schramm, B., Richard, H.A., Theoretical and experimental investigations of fracture mechanical graded materials, Procedia Materials Science, 3 (2014) 227-232. [7] ASTM: Annual Book of ASTM Standards 2008. Section 3: Metals Test Methods and Analytical Procedures, Volume 03.01, Metals – Mechanical Testing; Elevated and Low-Temperature Tests; Metallopgraphy, E647-08 (2008). [8] Lambers, H.-G., Holzweißig, M., Schramm, B., Richard, H.A., Maier, H.J., Crack Growth Behavior in Functional Graded Work Pieces, Special Edition of 10 th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP), Aachen, (2011) 1060-1065. [9] Schramm, B., Richard, H.A., Fulland, M., Kloster, V., Numeric Simulation of fatigue crack growth in a material graded structure, Key Engineering materials Vols. 488-489, Trans Tech Publications, Schweiz, (2011) 109-112. T