Issue 30

L. Bing et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 526-536; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.63 535 Figure 5 : Time-history curves of 3rd principal stress at typical area of surrounding rock. Figure 6 : Time-history curves of 3rd plastic damage elements of global model. We could see from Fig. 6 that, with the spread of seismic wave, part of the surrounding rock has been in the alternate change state between elastic stress and plastic stress for a long time. At the moment of 13 s, the number of whole model’s plasticity damage has reached peak, there are 56 545 units as a whole. The biggest moment of plastic damage zone is consistent with seismic displacement peak time. At the time of 13 s, most of the sidewall rocks in Children’s Palace have entered the plastic damage area (see Fig. 6). The depth of local cracking area is as high as 7m, plastic damage zone depth is as much as 20m, Children’s Palace has the possibility of instability. C ONCLUSION his paper is to expound the finite element simulation theory of earthquake disaster in Children’s Palace and develop three-dimensional dynamic finite element numerical simulation system in the earthquake disaster process of Children’s Palace through starting from engineering analysis. The dynamic constitutive model of rock mass adaptive to seismic analysis of Children’s Palace is put forward through adopting central difference method and considering the enhancement of material parameter, as well as fatigue damage of material under circulating load effect. The earthquake disaster simulation is performed on Children’s Palace in Shenzhen through applying software. It has T