Issue 30

O. Sucharda et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 375-382; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.45 377 The data obtained in the experiments were used for the testing software at the University of Toronto. The goal was to repeat the Bresler-Scordelis’s tests of the reinforced concrete beams. The number, size and reinforcement of the beams were as close as possible and in line with current capabilities of the equipment. Differences in production dimensions were very little. Figure 2: Cross-section of the beams. Again, the purpose was to describe the behaviour of the reinforced concrete beams during the loading process and to determine collapse of the structure. The experiments were also used for the FEM numerical modelling [20]. Results of the experiments and numerical modelling are described in [19]. Bar size Area [mm 2 ] f y [MPa] f u [MPa] E s [MPa] M25a 500 440 615 210000 M25b 500 445 680 220000 M30 700 436 700 200000 Table 1 : Material properties of steels. Beam number L [mm] Span [mm] Bottom steel OA1 4100 3660 2 M30, 2 M25 OA2 5010 4570 3 M30, 2 M25 OA3 6840 6400 4 M30, 2M25 Table 2 : Detail of beams. Beam number f c [MPa] E s [MPa] f sp [MPa] OA1 22.6 36500 2.37 OA2 25.9 32900 3.37 OA3 43.5 34300 3.13 Table 3 : Material properties of concrete. The beams identified as OA were chosen for the numerical modelling in this paper. They are shown in Fig. 2. The beam is reinforced with the reinforcement identified as M25 and M30. The material properties of steel are described in Tab. 1. An elastic-plastic model of steel with reinforcement was chosen for the numerical modelling. M25b was used as a reinforcement for the beams 1 and 3, while the beam 2 was reinforced with steel identified as M25a. More details about dimensions and reinforcement of the beam are in Tab. 2. Original properties of concrete are described in Tab. 3. Specific features were calculated in ATENA [10] using the recommended values.