Issue 30

A. Shanyavskiy et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 340-348; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.41 348 R EFERENCES [1] Ivanova, V.S., Terentyev, V.F., The nature of metal fatigue, Metallurgy, Moscow, Russia, (1975). [2] Shanyavskiy, A.A., Toushentsov, A.L., Spline joints critical state of airscrew shafts of engines AI-24 and periodicy of their in-service non-destructive inspection, Science papers of the Society of Aircraft Accidents Investigators, Moscow, 16 (2004) 42-61. [3] Shanyavskiy, A.A., Tolerant fatigue cracking of in-service aircraft structures. Synergetics in engineering applications, Monograph, Ufa, Russia, (2003). [4] Shanyavskiy A.A., Modeling of metals fatigue cracking. Synergetics in aviation, Monograph, Ufa, Russia, (2007).