Issue 30

C. Putignano et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 30 (2014) 237-243; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.30.30 242 Figure 5 : The dimensionless peeling force ˆ  as a function of the peeling angle at equilibrium eq  for different values of the dimensionless pre-load 0 ˆ P . Figure 6 : The dimensionless peeling force ˆ  as a function of the peeling angle at equilibrium eq  for different values of the dimensionless pre-load 0 ˆ P . C ONCLUSIONS n this paper, we develop a model to study the adhesion and the detachment of tapes adhering to a rigid surface. The scheme proposed in Fig. 1 is quite interesting since, as shown in Ref. [6], a symmetric double tape can be reduced to this model. Conclusions, we carry out by moving from such a scheme, show the presence of two equilibrium regions: one corresponds to values h/a<0 and is stable; the other one, referred to h/a>0 , is on the contrary unstable. In this last case, a small perturbation can lead the tape to failure (point A) or to complete detachment (point B). This can be useful to understand experimental results [7, 8] and sudden failure in industrial systems. I