Issue 15

Th reli In the Th und def M A dif it c we ma abb Pre reg the thic Th def On to t B O P B e simplified able results. this study, co suitability of e test metho er different lection ampli TERIALS AN CBs with The aim The ana fered regardin an in some c re considered terials used i reviations M preg layer (g arding the gl layers marke knesses, is sh e PCB geome ined board g ly two comp he PCB man ARD LEVEL efore the deforma Except f and accelerat nventional B cyclic bend d applied wa loading con tudes were u D S PECIM different lay was to simpl lyzed specim g the interm ases be adva in the test n the differe 1, M2, M3 a lass fibre rei ass fibre mat d with a. A own in Fig. Table 1 : An o Figur try was chos eometry is sh onents instea ufactures exp DROP TEST developmen tion in a stan or some ada ed load appl LDT and BL tests as an alt s based on s ditions. The sed. ENS er build-ups ify the comp ens were eig ediate epoxy ntageous to plan. Additi nt layers (C nd M4 repr nforced) and used for rein schematic re 1. All copper Design Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 verview of the e 1 : A schemat en following own in Fig. d of 15 were erience, wer ANALYSIS t of an altern dard BLDT. pted parame P. F. Fuchs et ication shou CBT were p ernative test imilar ideas t specimens , expected to arison of the ht layer PC layers which use neat epo onally, differ ore, IL1, IL2 esent differen R stands fo forcement. T presentation layers had a Core M1 a M1 a M1 a M2 M2 M1 b chosen mater ic representati the JEDEC 2. The dark used to sim e chosen. Th ative test me The drawn c ters, the anal alii, Frattura ed ld result in a erformed for method. o the high sp were loaded differ signifi testing meth Bs and six d are glass-fib xy resin. Thu ent epoxy r and IL3) o t manufactu r an unreinf he layers m of the layer thickness of IL1 Mater M1 PP 1a M1 PP 1a M1 PP 1a M2 PP1 M2 PP1 M1 PP1 b ials for the sp on of the laye standard, but er squares at plify the test e component thod, it was onclusions sh yzed BLDT IL3 (40  m) IL2 (40  m) IL1 (60  m) Core (200  m) IL1(60  m) IL2 (40  m) IL3 (40  m) Integrità Struttu more robus a set of PCB eed cyclic b under thre cantly regard ods by cover ifferent laye re reinforced s, variations esin types w f the tested res and epox orced and ne arked with b assignments 18  m. IL2 ial M1 PP 2a M1 PP 2a M1 PP 2a M2 PP2 M2 PP2 M1 PP2 b ecified layers i r assignments was adapted the board ce . The two m s were daisy necessary to ould help de was perform rale, 15 (2011) t test metho s. The resul end test (HS e-point bend ing their BLD ing a wide ra r build-ups w in most case in the reinfo ere analyzed PCB design y resin type at epoxy res are the low d in the build- IL3 M3 R M1 PP 2a M4 R M3 R M2 PP2 M3 R n the six PCB in the PCB bu according to ntre represe ost failure-pr chained acco analyze the a signing a rea ed according 64-73; DOI : 10 d, providing ts were comp CBT) [5, 6], ing and sig T performa nge of BLDT ere tested. s. Only for t rcement of t . A detailed s is provided s respectively in layer. PP1 ielectric con up, including designs tested ild-up. customer re nt the moun one compon rding to the cting loads an sonable test. to the JEDE .3221/IGF-ESIS. faster and m ared to eval but was real nificantly hig nce, were tes performanc These build- he surface la he surface la summary of in Tab. 1 . , PP indicat and PP2 di stant version the epoxy l . quirements. ted compone ents, with reg standards. d resulting P C standard. 15.07 65 ore uate ized her ted. es. ups yers yers the The es a ffer s of ayer The nts. ard CB An