Issue 14

T Do Pol Ita A B Air inv and Va me pre me situ Ca rep po Re fol K E Mi I N Th airc Th flig Th and A M Ma Th A P rev O he way nato Firra itecnico di Tor lia; donato.firr STRACT . En port on Oc estigation, r lattice defo rious macro tals expose ssure wave tal, the pre ations regar lculations to orted. Resu ssibly induc visited theo lowing an o YWORDS . S crostructura TRODUCTIO e fact n Oct oil co a field raft were fou e pilot, Irneri ht hours. e wreckage w later destroy orane Sauln ttei was seate e forensic inves avia Court r elations by a the mis o, Grazia ino, Dipartim rico Mattei tober 27, 19 eopened mo rmations u - and micro d to it. At t caused by a ssure and t ding stainle evaluate w lts of field ed on metal ries were ap n board sma lip deforma l changes. N ober 27, 196 nglomerate, E in the small nd dispersed o Bertuzzi, s as collected ed by re-mel ier 760 B, 4 d on the fron tigation evisiting of t Mafia repent tery of no Uberta ento di Scien , the Preside 62 when hi re than 30 nder high ve -structural c he microstr n explosion he strain ra ss steels, alu hich defor explosion e targets by a plied to the ll charge ex tion; Mecha 2 the airplane NI, crashed village of Ba by a line of ince long tim without prec ting, after a P passengers je t right seat ( he case occu ant in a Paler D. Firrao et the Ma lli, Paolo M za dei Materi nt of the It s airplane cr years later, i locity wave hanges are uctural leve , can be ob te. The tem minium, co mation me xperiments n unknown Mattei fore plosion. nical twin d which was t on the grou scapè in Pav a tree (Figs. 1 e in the ENI ise recording avia Court r t-executive, Fig. 5). rred in 1994 mo (Sicily) tr alii, Frattura ed ttei’s ca atteis, Ch ali e Ingegneri alian oil con ashed on th mplied com s emanating induced by l multiple s served. The perature w pper and go chanism is are incorpo explosive ev nsic case, r eformation; aking back to nd minutes fr ia county, bo , 2), his skin President pi of the exac uling that the the airplane h , under the im ial. Integrità Strutt se was iara Pozzi a Chimica, C glomerate, E e ground du plete re-exa from a sma an explosio lip bands o occurrence ave may als ld alloys are eligible for rated into t ent. eaching the Pressure wa Milan Enri om landing rdering the M -stripped left lots’ team, w t location of aircraft had ad been deli pulse of Pu urale, 14 (2010) solved .so Duca degli NI, was ab e to a then mining of th ll charge ex n and by th r mechanica of either o o cause su analysed. different F he evaluatio conclusion ves; Stackin co Mattei, the at the Milan L ilan county hand, high o as very exper each finding fallen by an u vered to EN blic Prosecu 81-92; DOI: 10 Abruzzi, 24 out to land unexplaine e theories o plosion. e resulting s l twins, ind nes depend rface alterat CC metals n of micro that the air g faults ene then Presid inate airpor in Lombard n a branch. ienced with and ended p nexplained a I in Novemb tor Vincenzo .3221/IGF-ESIS. , 10129 Tori in Milan Lin d accident. T n macrosco hear stresse uced from on the type ions. Differ and alloys structural si craft had fa rgy; Explos ent of the Ita t. It ended up y. Wrecks of 11260 cumul iled up (Fig ccident. er 1961 (Fig Calia, follow 14.09 81 no, ate he pic s in the of ent are gns llen ion; lian on the ated . 3), . 4). ing