Digital Repository, ECF14, Cracow 2002

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Anisotropic Damage Model for Concrete Including Effect of Crack Closure in Compression

Last modified: 2013-02-10


Constitutive models for concrete are too numerous for an exhaustive list tobe possible here. Among these, many rely on the phenomenological theoryof damage initiated by Kachanov [1]. This approach seems especiallywell suited for the description of the mechanical behaviour of concrete for2 reasons. The first one is that the complexity of microscopic mechanisms,including the formation and propagation of multiple microcracks, their possibleclosure in compression, the presence of friction, etc., seems to precludeany other approach than a heuristic one. The second reason is that in manyinstances, the behaviour of concrete may safely be regarded as essentiallyelastic-brittle, which is the preferred domain of application of damage theory.

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