General Papers
A reference stress based cod estimation in LBB analysis | |
Yun-Jae Kim, P J Budden |
Anisotropic cylindrical shell with surface crack | |
R.M. Kushnir, M.M. Nykolyshyn, L.M. Sen’kiv |
Brittle-to-tough transition in toughened polypropylene copolymers | |
W. Grellmann, S. Seidler, I. Kotter |
Correlation between interfacial state of plasma CVD coated TiN film/substrate and pinhole defect ratio evaluation by CPCD method | |
Yuji Kimura', Tatsuya Shirato |
Crack initiation behaviour of PP-materials | |
S. Seidler, T. Koch, I. Kotter, W. Grellmann |
Development of environment controllable micro mechanical testing machine and the influence of vacuum on fracture and fatigue in aramid single fiber | |
K. Minoshima, Y. Maekawa, K. Komai |
Effect of fatigue pre-loading on mixed-mode stress corrosion cracking in high-strength steel | |
J. Toribio, E. Ovejero, V. Kharin |
Effect of grinding on the fatigue strength of a bearing steel in the super long-life field | |
M. Goto, T. Yamamoto, H. Nisitani, T. Sakai, N. Kawagoishi |
Effect of specimen thickness and stress ratio on fatigue crack growth after a single overload cycle on structural steel | |
M. Skorupa, A. Skorupa, J. Schijve, T. Machniewicz, P. Korbut |
Evaluation of notched fatigue strength of oxide dispersion strengthening copper alloy | |
N. Kawagoishi, Q. Chen, K. Shimana, H. Nisitani, M. Goto, E. Kondo |
Experimental and numerical investigations of the failure behaviour of components by application of fracture and damage mechanics | |
W. Baer, D. Klingbeil |
Fatigue failure by flow-induced vibration | |
Y. Murakami, M. Inoue, A. Sueoka, S. Odahara, M. Kobayashi, N. Fujiwara |
Fracture toughness of ceramics using the SEVNB method; round robin | |
J. Kübler |
In situ observation on localized corrosion morphology of tin thin film coating by electrochemical AFM | |
Michio Ohata, Yuji Kimura |
Influence of loading speed on tensile strength characteristics of high tensile steel | |
S.M. Yang, H.Y. Kang, H.S. Kim, J.H. Song, J.M. Park |
Instabilities in fracture and deformation of polymer materials | |
G.M. Kerch |
Investigation on the Fracture Behaviour of Laser Beam Welded Wide Plates | |
M. Koçak, S. Riekehr, Y-J. Kim, J. dos Santos |
Local parameters susceptibility checkup using fracture toughness data | |
V. Kozák, A. Novák |
Local variations in yield strength – a possible means for enhancing the fracture resistance of structural components | |
O. Kolednik |
Long-term fracture of an aging transversally-isotropic composite with a circular crack under stationary loading | |
A. A. Kaminsky, G. V. Gavrilov |
Numerical analyses of cracks in piezoelectric composite structures under electromechanical loading | |
Matthias Scherzer, Meinhard Kuna |
Numerical modelling of cyclic stress-strain fields near a crack tip: the role of strain hardening | |
J. Toribio, V. Kharin |
Quantitative fractography by means of a new digital image analysis system | |
O. Kolednik, S. Scherer, P. Schwarzböck, P. Werth |
Resemblance between residual stress produced by shot peening and thermal stress by temperature distribution | |
K. Kanazawa, T. Kamiyama |
Simulation of thermomechanical behaviour of bimaterial containing an interface crack with rough faces | |
A. Kryshtafovych, R. Martynyak, S. Nagalka |
Small Crack under Cyclic and Static Loading | |
V. V. Konovalov |
Strength degradation of SiCfiber by hydro-thermal treatment and its application to the surface modification of SiC fiber | |
Chikako Gomi, Ichiro Shiota, Yuji Kimura |
Strength estimation of ceramic/metal joints with various interlayer thickness | |
M. Takahashi, N. Okabe, X. Zhu, K. Kagawa |
Stress-strain state at the vicinity of the crack tip in strength mis-match welded joint | |
F. Matejicek, N. Gubeljak, D. Kozak, M. Koçak |