Digital Repository, Convegno IGF XXI Cassino 2011

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Determination of the fatigue limit by semi static tests
G. Risitano, A. Risitano, C. Clienti

Last modified: 2011-06-09


Following the first experimental results concerning the possibility to estimate the fatigue limit by quasi-static traction test, the authors give a physical explanation about the process of the failure of a specimen.
It was put in evidence the link between the complete thermo-elastic phase under traction stress and the beginning of the punctual plastic deformation in the zone of the classic stress strain curve yet distant from the yield limit of the material. The tests carried out on the AISI 304 steel by thermal analysis, confirmed the good approximation between the values of the fatigue limit estimated by fatigue test and by the quasi-static test. The results shoed the importance of the thermo-analysis of the part of the stress-strain curve (distant from the yield point) where only in macroscopic terms the behavior is perfectly elastic.
KEYWORDS. fatigue, plastic energy, infrared thermography, mechanical characterization of steel.

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