Author Details

Stefanov, S.H.

  • ICMFF9 - General Papers
    Fatigue life assessment of laserbeam welded steel tube-tube joints under constant amplitude out-of-phase combined axial loading and torsion by integration of damage differentials (IDD)
    Abstract  PDF
  • ICMFF9 - General Papers
    IDD (integration of damage differentials): general representation
    Abstract  PDF
  • ICMFF9 - General Papers
    Multiaxial fatigue life assessment of components of forged steel Ck 45 (SAE 1045) and of sintered steel Fe-1.5Cu by integration of damage differentials (IDD)
    Abstract  PDF
  • ICMFF9 - General Papers
    Rotating bending with constant torsion and rotated bending with constant or variable torsion
    Abstract  PDF