Issue 38

H. Weil et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 38 (2016) 61-66; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.08 66 rotating bending notched samples. Simulations were performed on a gear designed by Hispano-Suiza, in order to study the effect of nitriding on the fatigue strength of a given mechanical part. It follows that the model can assist in the optimization of nitriding parameters for a given geometry. To ensure the relevance of the model, the simulations will be compared with experimental results. Figure 6 : Case of a nitrided tooth. (a) fatigue lifetime profiles for two failure probabilities (b) loading according to Dang Van criterion for 7 10 cycles. R EFERENCES [1] Barrallier, L., Barralis, J., On origin of residual stresses generated by nitriding treatment onalloy steel, Society for Experimental Mechanics (1994) 498-301. [2] Locquet, J.N., Soto, R., Barralier, L., Charai, A., Complete TEM Investigation of a Nitrided Layer for a Cr Alloy Steel, Micros. Microanal. Microstruct 8 (1997) 335-352. [3] Barralier, L., Metals and Surface Engineering (2014). [4] Jégou S., Barrallier L. Kubler R., Phase transformations and induced volume changes in a nitrided ternary Fe–3% Cr– 0.345% C alloy, Acta Materialia 58 (2010) 2666-2676. [5] Chaussumier, M., PhD Thesis, ENSAM of Aix-en-Provence, France (2000). [6] Crossland, B., Effect of large hydrostatic pressures on the torsional fatigue strength of an alloy steel, Fatigue of Metals-International Conférence-SEP LONDON (1956) 138-149. [7] Luu, D.H., Maitournam, M.H., Nguyen Q.S., Formulation of gradient multiaxial fatigue criteria, International Journal of Fatigue, 61 (2014) 170-183. [8] Deperrois, A., PhD Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, France (1991). [9] Guechichi, H., Castex L., Fatigue limits prediction of surface treated materials, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 172 (2006) 381-387. [10] Weber, B., PhD Thesis, INSA Lyon, France (1999). [11] Fathallah, R., Laamouri, A., Sidhom, H., Braham, C., High cycle fatigue behavior prediction of shot-peened parts, International Journal of Fatigue, 26 (2004) 1053-1067. [12] Message, O., Dang Van, K., Griveau, B., On a new multiaxial fatigue limit criterion: theory and applications, Mechanical Engineering Publications, 479-496 (1989). [13] Ballard, P., Dang Van, K., Deperrois, A., Papadopoulus, Y.V., High cycle fatigue and finite element analysis, Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct, 18 (1995) 397-411. [14] Mrzyglod, M., Zielinski A.P., Numerical Implementation of Multiaxial High-Cycle Fatigue Criterion to Structural Optimization, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 44 (2006) 691-712. [15] Faurie, J.P., Guide du dessinateur, les concentrations de contraintes, Cetim, France (2000). [16] NFA 03-405, Essais de Fatigue, Afnor, France (2014). [17] Johnson, K.L., Contact mechanics, Cambridge University Press, UK (1985).