Issue 38

M. Sokovikov et alii, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 38 (2016) 296-304; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.40 296 Structural mechanisms of formation of adiabatic shear bands Mikhail Sokovikov, Dmitry Bilalov, Vladimir Oborin, Vasiliy Chudinov, Sergey Uvarov, Yuriy Bayandin, Oleg Naimark Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Ak. Korolev Street, Perm, 614013, Russia, A BSTRACT . The paper focuses on the experimental and theoretical study of plastic deformation instability and localization in materials subjected to dynamic loading and high-velocity perforation. We investigate the behavior of samples dynamically loaded during Hopkinson-Kolsky pressure bar tests in a regime close to simple shear conditions. Experiments were carried out using samples of a special shape and appropriate test rigging, which allowed us to realize a plane strain state. Also, the shear-compression specimens proposed in were investigated. The lateral surface of the samples was investigated in a real-time mode with the aid of a high-speed infra-red camera CEDIP Silver 450M. The temperature field distribution obtained at different time made it possible to trace the evolution of plastic strain localization. Use of a transmission electron microscope for studying the surface of samples showed that in the regions of strain localization there are parts taking the shape of bands and honeycomb structure in the deformed layer. The process of target perforation involving plug formation and ejection was investigated using a high-speed infra-red camera. A specially designed ballistic set-up for studying perforation was used to test samples in different impulse loading regimes followed by plastic flow instability and plug ejection. Changes in the velocity of the rear surface at different time of plug ejection were analyzed by Doppler interferometry techniques. The microstructure of tested samples was analyzed using an optical interferometer-profilometer and a scanning electron microscope. The subsequent processing of 3D deformation relief data enabled estimation of the distribution of plastic strain gradients at different time of plug formation and ejection. It has been found that in strain localization areas the subgrains are elongated taking the shape of bands and undergo fragmentation leading to the formation of super-microcrystalline structure, in which the size of grains is ~300nm. Rotational deformation modes give rise to the high angular disorientations of grains. The development of plastic shear instability regions has been simulated numerically. For this purpose, we use a recently developed theory, in which the influence of microshears on the deformation properties of materials has Citation: Sokovikov, M., Bilalov, D., Oborin, V., Chudinov, V., Uvarov, S., Bayandin, Y., Naimark, O., Structural mechanisms of formation of adiabatic shear bands, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 38 (2016) 296-304. Received: 01.06.2016 Accepted: 30.06.2016 Published: 01.10.2016 Copyright: © 2016 This is an open access article under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.